Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Strangely, the idea of taking up a postdoc position pops up again and this time very strong. So here Jeff goes again knocking on institute's door. S. Radiation in switzerland sounds just fine. Jeff is designed for electron spectroscopy and nothing else. Maybe photon might come close but that's about it. 3yr fling with optical lithography tells him he has more to offer in theoretical science than pure industrial work.
>> Chee wei, focus and settle down and do it. there is o end to possibilities<<


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still recall how you wished you could move to Switzerland a few years ago, now sounds like you can fulfill both your dream of Switzerland and passion in science :). Here comes Mr Birdman, Alps!
But why all you guys so obsessed with synchrotron, Jamie also doing synchrotron in Japan...

3:50 PM  
Blogger Jeff L. said...

obsession? perhaps but mine more like a fetish for precision.

guess once an electron spectroscopist, forever one.

nope me still thinking about it. will decide post LNY. e possibilities are boundless with electrons, preferred over photons.

3:57 PM  

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