Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Strange world

Seems like the toys are streaming in, one at a time. Almost complete now. However another predicament arises: the tele zm does not quite fit into the category of portability for overseas posting... maybe that will go, along with the newly acquired tc. Too greedy n too mych burden of the toy is detriment to the poor soul. Not to mention poor ms piggy. She has been ooiing non-stop since the day I try I rob her.

Finally, I signed on the dotted line and sealed my fate. What's strange is out of thin air, I got another offer hounding me repeated to join them. Definitely so cause it only goes to show the prowess of the gift of the gap. A kind word will create opportunity but a foul mouth will create havoc. 3 yrs into the working world has taught me the insidious side of the human being. Doesn't matter if the opponent is a friend, cause all will hanker after power and glory. How can I save myself/ n these people from this perpetual cycle of self destruction? Perhaps the answer lies in the Future Buddha.

...The answer lies in the kindness of the heart.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The end of freedom. You have joined me haa haa haa.

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Going abroad? Still in the same industry? Thought you resented reticles and all those things...

9:26 PM  
Blogger Jeff L. said...

Let's say I found a place that allows me to continue with 193nm yet can accept myself as Jeff and no one else. :)

Middle East next stop.

9:36 PM  
Blogger Hort Log said...

my boss also leave liao. Me getting restless also, but I am a chained man.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Jeff L. said...

Just think about ur family and nothing else. For ur family u have a responsibility. As long as they are happy nothing else matters. For myself, I m a free man thus more options to choose from. This world is very big, you never know what you gonna get another day.

Having a kind and helpful heart goes a long way. Though some may take advantage of your kindness, you have to understand they are forced to behave in this matter cause they have their priorities to fulfill.

But the best advice I have thus far is just go after you dreams cause you are only young once.

I think if one is only concern about getting married and settle own then there isn't much to life than the cycle i mention about in my blog. Everyone can make a difference, only depends on what you choose in life, nothing else matters.

7:21 PM  

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